Tired of 'Going for No'... And Therefore Getting Rejected Over and Over Again?

Imagine If You Could 'Go For YES,'
Attract Fresh Leads Daily, and 
Get People to Happily Say YES to 
YOUR Products and Opportunity?!

Introducing the 'Go For YES Masterclass' to Eliminate Rejection and 
Find Sales, Satisfaction and Success Inside Your Comfort Zone!

5 modules with 35 coaching sessions to help you Get 2+ Prospects Per Day to Say YES to Buying YOUR Products and Joining YOUR Opportunity!


The SIMPLE 'Go For YES' formula that allows even newbies to get customers & reps daily in a way that actually makes you (and them) feel amazing.


5 modules with 35 coaching sessions to help you Get 2+ Prospects Per Day to Say YES to Buying YOUR Products and Joining YOUR Opportunity!


"I loved this training so much!!! I felt it in my heart! Go for YES is 100% needed in this industry! Positivity and relationship building trumps 'Go for No' any day, every day! Stacey Hall, your message will go out to the world! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Kathy Joy
"This 'Go For YES' training is amazing! Learning so much already. I love that we know now how to KISS and use the pain points to know what to post, when to post, engage our target audience, and provide them with the value that they are looking for."
Shelly Swanzy
"For the last 20+ years, the "Go For No" strategy has had me believing that rejection is part of the business building process; that people are "targets"; that you talk to everyone with a pulse; etc. NONE of it felt good and ALL of it was uncomfortable for me.

I felt like a failure! My head got full of negative self-talk: "Maybe I'm not working hard enough," or, "Maybe I just don't deserve success," or "Maybe I'm not in the right company," and so on simply because I didn't understand.

And then I found this 'Go For YES' framework, and it's been an incredible experience
with Stacey Hall. I am in the process of attracting only those people who are attracted to me."
Virginia Wright

FROM: Stacey Hall
 Las Vegas, Nevada

Did you know that 90% of ALL small businesses fail in the first 5 years, and 70% of sales people don't feel good about what they do?

If you're struggling to get in profit with your 'dream' business, or you don't feel aligned with your products or opportunity...


My Dad was in sales all his life, and it almost killed him.

I watched him use the old-school sales tactics most 'gurus' talk about today, which is at the core of the 'Go For No' approach...

This Go For No 'people are targets' approach caused him to have thyroid issues, heart problems, inflammation all over his body, diabetes and severe back problems.

And while he was in the hospital for back surgery, he suffered a blood clot in his brain that would've taken his life had he not already been in the hospital.

All of this was the effect from the stress and pain caused by the 'Go For No' sales approach.

The crazy part is my Dad was actually GOOD at sales... but only when he stopped trying to sling products with 'Go For No' and started to attract dream clients with 'Go For YES!'

Whenever his company forced him into the 'Go For No' traditional sales tactics his body would break down (literally).

So when I decided to start a home business, it was an easy decision for me to choose the feel good 'Go For YES' path.

And here's what happened as I created 'Go For YES'...

  • I started getting hundreds of fresh quality leads with one single FB post
  • I got 2,700+ people to say YES to my business in 4 years
  • I rank advanced 6X in 90 days
  • I went from a few hundred dollars per month to a 5-figure per month income
  • I still retain 90% of my team year after year with unheard of duplication
  • I held a leadership position in 4 different companies at the same time

And here's the crazy part...

I Accomplished These Results By Staying In My Comfort Zone While Attracting The Perfect Customer Via Social Media... All Without Spending a Dime On Ads!

Today I want to give you the exact 'Go For YES' blueprint that allowed me to go from being a search light to a sought after lighthouse that consistently attracts dream clients and leaders.

But first, I have a quick question for you...





You are NOT alone.

How Much Is It Costing You In Time, Energy, And Money Because You Keep Focusing On 'Going For No'... And Therefore You Keep Getting It?!

(this isn't rocketscience - YOU ARE POWERFUL - you get what you focus on!)

I feel your pain...

You've hired the coaches, you've bought the courses, you've attended the webinars, and you've done everything you can to find an answer to the one question that is still haunting your dreams...

"Why am I not making the money I want and the income I deserve with my home business?"

And the answer is crystal clear if you simply look at what the 'gurus' and companies have been telling you to do...


Chances are you're being told to do one of the following...

  • You 'Go For No'... and then you actually go for 'no'... and you get 'no'... what did you think was going to happen?!
  • Treat people like they're 'targets' and 'numbers'... and when they say 'No' simply move onto the next one
  • Go talk to every stranger you see, and cold-call (spam) your friends and family on FB until they buy
  • Getting a 'No' just means you're closer to a YES - go put on your 3-inch rhino skin and keep 'Going for No'



With the 'Go For YES' formula this is what your business can look like...

  • YES, you can stay in your comfort zone and get unlimited FREE leads via social for YOUR business
  • YES, you'll learn how to connect in a deep way to solve their problems so they happily say YES
  • YES, you'll see how easy it is to attract your dream clients and leaders into your organization
  • YES, you'll become a leader who inspires, transforms lives, and can get sales & sign-ups with ease

With 'Go For YES' there is hope my friend. The business they promised you does exist. And I'm going to help you build it in a way that feels good to your soul starting today!

That's it... and that's where 'Go For YES' comes in...

When you focus on the 'Go For YES' formula you will attract customers, sales and sign-ups rejection-free without chasing, convincing, or cold-calling...

And maybe for the first time in you career you will feel proud to be in 'sales.'

So let me ask YOU a few questions...

How many people are NOT joining your life-changing opportunity because you don't know how to attract an endless flood of prospects via social media who are ready to say YES?

How many people are passing up on your products because you're using out-dated, ineffective, old-school sales tactics that cause them to reject you and your solution?

Are you tired of spinning your wheels and wasting your time on social media in dead-end conversations, convincing, cold-calling and chasing strangers that drain your energy and go nowhere?

A lack of a SIMPLE lead-generation and effective selling framework that's emotionally satisfying to you and your prospect may already be costing you a great deal...

Which is why I created the 'Go For YES Masterclass'...


"This 'Go For YES' approach is definitely clarifying stuff. Awesomeness. I did exercises before to find my people, but Stacey helped with her in-depth questions... and It's crazy how much value is in here for the tiny investment."
Ginny Krouth
"I definitely had a ah-ha moment in the 'Go For YES' training with the 7 pain point posts!! It makes things so much simpler when it comes to knowing when and what to post!! Woohoo! Thank you, Stacey!!"
Chastity Marcum


Please Note All The Questions Where Your Answer is 'YES' to See If The 'Go For YES Masterclass' is For You!

  • Do you want to attract prospects via social media who are ready to SAY YES to YOUR products & opportunity so you can make more money now?
  • Do you want the 'Go For YES' framework to connect & CLOSE THE SALE in a way that leaves both you & your prospect feeling amazing?
  • Do you want to market on social media like the top earners so you stop getting rejected and start getting sales & sign-ups via social?
  • Do you want access to a powerful 'Go For YES' social media daily method of operation to never run out of prospects who want to join you?
  • Do you want to CONFIDENTLY & AUTHENTICALLY step into social media conversations, solve their problems, and get paid today?
  • Do you want to say goodbye to rejection, cold calling, and spamming because you never want to feel like a sleazy car sales person again?
  • Do you see VALUE in being mentored by the 'Go For YES' founder to attract more leads, sales & sign-ups than you ever dreamed possible?
  • Are you serious about your business and ready to take your business to the next level?

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then I Invite You To Join The 'Go For YES Masterclass' Before This Time-Sensitive Offer Disappears!


Module 1 - 'Go For No' Suffocates Your Soul, and 'Go For YES' Attracts Customers & Reps

* Have you been told to just 'Go For No?' This causes serious pain, demoralizes your mind, and creates an obstacle course of hurdles between you and your income goals. 'Going For YES' is the smooth, satisfying path to get people to SAY YES to YOUR products & opportunity.

  • SESSION 1 - Why 'Go For YES' Is More Satisfying to You & Your Prospects
  • SESSION 2 - One Simple Step to Stop Losing Sales to Amazon(and Competitors)
  • SESSION 3 - Why 'Go For NO' is a Big Part of the 90% Failure Problem
  • SESSION 4 - Debunking the 5 Depressing Myths of MLM Sales to Grow Your Income
  • SESSION 5 - The Satisfying Truth About Selling - Using Your Heart Instead of a Script
  • SESSION 6 - Creating Viral Social Media Content with Emotionally Satisfying Topics
  • SESSION 7 - Using Your Prospect's 'Personality Color' to Build an Instant Emotional Bond

    Module 2 - The 'Go For YES' 3 Phases of Social Marketing to Get Prospects to Happily Say YES

    * Human beings are emotional creatures. When you understand how people move and the psychology behind WHY we do what we do, you'll be able to easily and effortlessly attract serious prospects to your business and enroll more leaders into your organization.

    • SESSION 1 - Secret Tips to Build an Audience of Prospects Who Want to Say YES
    • SESSION 2 - The 2 Essential Elements of Engagement that Turn New Friends Into Sign-Ups
    • SESSION 3 - ONE Question to Ask Yourself Before Posting On Social to Create More Sales

        Module 3 - 'YES-PRENEUR' Secrets to Serve Your Client, Satisfy Their Desire, and Sign Them Up

        * NEWFLASH: YES, there's a success formula that ALL top earners follow... it was just never revealed to you... until today! In this module we dive deep into the 'Go For YES' success formula to rank advance and become a top recruiter & top earner in YOUR company.

        • SESSION 1 - The 4 Types of Alignment to Produce Satisfaction, Sales and Success
        • SESSION 2 - How to Step Into Alignment with Being an Authority in Your Specific Niche
        • SESSION 3 - Step Into Alignment with Your Brand and Get People to Sign-Up And Say YES!
        • SESSION 4 - How to Step Into Alignment with Your Audience to Attract FREE Leads For Life
        • SESSION 5 - Align with Your Message to Write Posts that Go Viral & Get Wild Engagement
        • SESSION 6 - Scientifically Engineer Every Social Post to Solve Their Pain Points and Get Paid
        • SESSION 7 - Hidden Social Media Goldmines Where You Can Connect With Ideal Prospects
        • SESSION 8 - Replacing the Script With Powerful Words From Your Heart that Get People to Say YES

        Module 4 - The Sacred 'Go For YES' Recipe to Destroy Limiting Beliefs & Become Unstoppable

        * There will be many hurdles on your journey towards financial freedom. This module prepares you for the inevitable limiting beliefs and external landmines you'll encounter on your way to the top... and equip you to become unstoppable, own your value, and break free.

        • SESSION 1 - Getting Past The 6 Limiting Beliefs to Become Unstoppable
        • SESSION 2 - Getting Past the Fear of 'Haters' Coming Out When You Are Successful
        • SESSION 3 - Getting Past the Pain of NOT Feeling Deserving
        • SESSION 4 - How to Expand Time to Overcome Overwhelm & Create Abundance
        • SESSION 5 - Stop Should-ing On Yourself & Start Choosing Powerfully
        • SESSION 6 - Stop Saying Have To & Start Choosing Powerfully

        Module 5 - Your 'Go For YES' Birthright to Find Sales, Satisfaction and Success In Your Comfort Zone

        * As you follow the 'Go For YES' formula, you will get people to say YES to your products and opportunity. This module will help you consistently apply the formula every single day so you consistently produce financial results for you and your family every single month.

        • SESSION 1 - The top earner secret to stay consistent and take the right actions daily to get results
        • SESSION 2 - How embracing the fact that you are 100% responsible for your results can make you rich
        • SESSION 3 - Scheduling your day for success with a 'Go For YES' daily method of operation for wealth
        • SESSION 4 - 5 'Go For YES' questions to ask yourself so you keep moving forward towards success
        • SESSION 5 - Growing your goals from the ground up and tracking your new business growth & sales
        • SESSION 6 - How to stop comparing yourself to others, stay in alignment and build your dream business
        • SESSION 7 - Turning setbacks into comebacks - the one critical mindset shift to attract prospects 24x7
        • SESSION 8 - Say YES to rest stops so you avoid burnout and start each day refreshed and rejuvenated
        • SESSION 9 - 1 simple mind-hack to reinforce your sense of self-worth and reignite your belief in YOU
        • SESSION 10 - The 'Go For YES' point system to measure and celebrate your success on a daily basis
        "I was about to give up on ever growing a network marketing business. Then I joined one of Stacey's Groups, and I've now been on leader boards for the first time ever! Thanks to Stacey, it's super simple to stay consistent with posting to social media. Knowing my audience and my brand along with her strategies has opened up my creativity in a very big way. For the first time I'm looking forward to what this year brings!"
        Angie Taylor
        "I detest the saley-ness and fear mongering of the 'everyone within 3 feet is a target' method. With Stacey, I have discovered a new way to find customers and clients through social media in my spare time, and I am growing a business with integrity and respect for myself and others. I'm not chasing after every possible person as a lead, and only focusing on my select clientele. Now I have the confidence and clarity to attract my ideal clients."
        Candace Oliver


        $3,830 in Done-for-you bonuses to get prospects to Say YES to YOUR Products & Opportunity! No previous experience or success required!

        BONUS #1 ($997 Value)

        Lifetime Access to Private Members Only FB Group

        • ONGOING SUPPORT: YOU ARE NEVER ALONE in your journey as you consume and apply this course to get prospects to Say YES!
        • Connect with other students, have fun and build relationships as you break through your fears to become a top earner in your company.

        WARNING: You may even meet your future business partner in this group who you do millions of dollars in business with over the next ten years! (YES, it's happened before!)

        BONUS #2 ($297 Value)

        5-Day Bootcamp to Get Prospects to Buy Anything

        • This 5-Day Bootcamp will help you master the advanced 'Go For YES' sales skills to persuade & influence like the highest paid networkers.
        • Acquire the ninja skills to connect with your prospect at the deepest level so you can get them to eagerly Say YES to YOUR solutions!

        BONUS #3 ($177 Value)

        Procrastinator & Perfectionist Loophole

        • Are you a procrastinator stuck in paralysis? No problem! This bonus reveals how you can still be successful in spite of being a procrastinator!

        BONUS #4 ($177 Value)

        Follow-Up Flip Flop For Success

        • Follow-Up Flip Flop reverses the annoying and time-consuming follow-up process, and magically makes your prospects close themselves!

        BONUS #5 ($197 Value)

        Facebook Stories for Limitless Leads

        • How to leverage FB stories to attract an endless stream of red-hot prospects who are ready to Say YES to YOUR products & opportunity!

        BONUS #6 ($397 Value)

        Say YES Accountability + Gamified Checklist

        • 8 accountability videos lay a solid foundation to assist you in applying the 'Go For YES' framework daily so you get results every single week.
        • BONUS 'Gamified Checklist' to make sure you stay on track with the 'Go For YES' daily method of operation to get leads, sales & sign-ups

        BONUS #7 ($497 Value)

        Leadflow Attractor Factor Video Series

        • 4-part video series reveals the 'Go For YES' formula to attract a never-ending flood of fresh leads daily who Say YES.
        • Specific action steps to build your audience every 24 hours via social so you never run out of qualify people to talk to again... ever!

        BONUS #8 ($497 Value)

        'You Are Enough' Interview Series

        • A multi-video experience with top producers, industry legends, and the MLSP co-founders to guide you to realizing your own self-worth & true value.
        • These breakthrough sessions annihilate any limiting beliefs so as you apply the 'Go For YES' intel you can allow the results (and cash) to flow into your life!

        BONUS #8 ($197 Value)

        'Go For YES' Audio Files

        • Enjoy the entire 'Go For YES Masterclass' course in MP3 version to continually increase your skills and grow on the go!
        • Plug into this life changing 'Go For YES' material as you cook, drive, do laundry, workout. No extra time required - no excuses.

        TOTAL VALUE: $4,430 LIMITED TIME OFFER: $297 (92% DISCOUNT!)

        "These are the EXACT principles that changed my life FOREVER this is a DO NOT MISS from Stacey Hall!"
        Diane Hochman
        "What Stacey has accomplished in her business in just a short period of time has been fun to watch. Not only is her strategy simple and effective, it builds authentic connection with you and your brand. Hands down this is a must-have experience for 2020."
        Antonio Thompson



        • GET INSTANT ACCESS: The 'Go For YES Masterclass' to Get Prospects to Say YES to YOUR Products & Opportunity$997 Value
        • BONUS: LIFETIME ACCESS to Private Members Only Facebook Group$997 Value
        • BONUS: 5-Day Bootcamp to Get Prospects to Buy ANYTHING$297 Value
        • BONUS: Procrastinator & Perfectionist Loophole for Success$177 Value
        • BONUS: Follow-Up Flip Flop to Make Prospects Close Themselves$177 Value
        • BONUS: Facebook Stories to Attract Limitless Leads & Dream Clients$197 Value
        • BONUS: Say YES Accountability + Gamified Checklist for Results$397 Value
        • BONUS: Leadflow Attractor Factor Video Series to Get Leads Who Say YES$497 Value
        • BONUS: Go For YES Masterclass' MP3's to Continually Grow On The Go$197 Value

        TOTAL VALUE $4,430

        HUGE 92% DISCOUNT!

        If you're the type of person who is ready to say goodbye to 'Go For NO' because you're fed up with the pain of constant rejection and feeling like a failure... And you want prospects that say YES to buying YOUR products and joining YOUR opportunity... Then the 'Go For YES Masterclass' was made for you, and your time is NOW!


        3 PAYMENTS
        • 34 Sessions to Grow Your Business
        • 9 Exclusive Bonuses ($3,830 Value)
        • Private ’Go For YES’ FB Group


        1 PAYMENT
        • ALL 34 ‘Go For YES’ Sessions
        • ALL 9 ‘Go For YES’ Bonuses
        • Private ’Go For YES’ FB Group
        • Save $54!

        Stacey Hall - Selling From Your Comfort Zone

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        Disclaimer: This site is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Meta/Facebook™ or any of its entities.

        There are no guarantees that you will earn money from the training, generate leads or make sales. Your results will vary due to a number of factors including but not limited to your experience, skills, financial circumstances, education, commitment, changing technologies and your market. By watching this training you agree that we are not responsible for your results or the decisions you make from the information provided in the training or on this website. You acknowledge that you are 100% responsible for your results and decisions.